We are organized in a hierarchical tree headed by the Principle Leadership, consisting of the elected positions of Team Lead, Chief Engineer, and Advanced Development Director. They work together to develop the principle design of the next car, set goals for the upcoming season, and manage the team’s overall direction.
The team is then broken down into various subsystems based upon areas of interest and responsibilities regarding the car. These subsystems concentrate on the design, fabrication, and analysis of individual components pertinent to each system. Each subsystem has leads, who collaborate on the execution of goals, deadlines, oversee new member training, support existing team members, and implement efficient organization and communication methods within the team.
• Aerodynamics • Business • Chassis • COMPOSITES •
• Controls • Electrical • Powertrain • Suspension •
GT Motorsports Senior Leadership
Subsystem Leads & Managers
2024-2025 Team Members
Alexander Lutz
Jackson MacLean
Tomek Marczewski
Anika Mathur
Yuuto Matsuki
Matthew McClintic
Luke McKay
Alexander Merryman
James Millington
Alexander Moreland
Garrett Murphy
Minahil Nadeem
Rehaan Naik
Anna Niezwaag
Emmet Norrell
Alejandro Ojeda
Neda Oromi
Jay Patel
Milly Patel
Abraham Pena
Carlos Perez
Tony Phung
Molly Pitra
Harrison Preston
Jonah Pritchett
Ayyan Qureshi
Riley Radney
Edward Ramirez
Nathan Ryerson
Angela Said
Shreya Sapkal
Soumit Sarkar
Andrew Schnupp
Gavin Schwandt
William Shaffer
Bryn Shannon
Siddharth Singh
Paras Singh
Sri Keshini Sivasubramanian
Sabrina Smith
Vijay Sreenivasan
Luke Starr
Vivin Sudharsan
Orhan Tasci
Ethan Taylor
Alina Vennel
Lillian Weiss
Emily Winters
Maryam Yassin
Anthony Zang
Hudson Zawodzinski
Brower Zhang
Vivian Zhang
Balaji Alagar
Cooper Allen
Sierra Alva
Andres Arbelaez
Caleb Arena
Suvidhi Bam
Kiernan Barket
Robert Beckman
Pablo Benedit
Jordan Brookhart
David Brown
Zachary Campbell
Tyler Canham
Marvin Castillo
Katie Conley
Owen Cooper
Maya Curnow
Laila de Jong
Dmitry Demin
Arhaan Desai
Jack Devenish
Aishik Dhori
Joshua Do
Jake Domingues
John Donahoe
Pranav Eada
Will Eickman
Alex Feng
Aman Gidwani
Beckett Gordon
Anna Gospodinova
Nathaniel Green
Earl Gretzinger
Rahul Gupta
David Gutierrez
Alexander Hammonds
Sydney Heaton
Owen Ho
Loan Hoang
Alisha Hossain
Yian Huang
Hannah Huff
Lucas Hurley
Syed Husain
Malhar Kamat
Vir Kapoor
Ishaan Kashyap
Raza Khan
Krish Kittur
Caleb Kopitsky
Stephanie Li
Johnny Lu